About Us

Shenicka Banks, CEO & Founder

For years, I suffered with my skin. I tried prescribed and over the counter products, and nothing helped relieve my frustration. While my self-esteem was on the decline, it was necessary to find a solution to promote healthy skincare. I cleaned out every skincare product in my possession and began researching all-natural skincare regimens. SAGEipsum has been the safest and most successful skincare regimen in repairing my skin. Each product was developed in my bathroom. My goal is to redefine and beautify all skin types by providing others an opportunity to have flawless skin without the harsh effects of chemicals. 

SAGE is an acronym; soothing, all-natural, gentle, exfoliate. Ipsum is latin for love yourself. We specialize in soothing, all-natural, gentle, and exfoliating skincare regimen providing paraben and cruelty free corrective skincare products. I am sharing these products with others to help them overcome the struggles and barriers related to skincare issues. I want everyone to love their skin and always remember to love yourself!